
Last modified: 12 February 2024


Your privacy is your right. This page is meant to provide information about how those at Some Must Watch While Some Must Sleep (hereafter referred to as "we" or "us") will utilize and process the information our participants (hereafter referred to as "you") provide to us.

Your Data


When registering on our website, you are providing us with personal information such as you name and email. We have extensively discussed our data collection practices and ask you for as little information as possible. If you feel that a question is invasive, please indicate that in your response, leave it empty (if possible), and reach out to us using the contact information provided; your feedback is an integral part of our creative process.


We use the personal information you provide to operate our services.

Dreaming Experience

During the dreaming experience, we collect the following information for the reasons provided:

Only those directly involved in the operation of this site an its services will be given access to this data. We will never sell or share your data without your express consent.


We will only retain your data while it is necessary to do so. During the post-experience video call, your personal information and any correspondence with your sleeping self will be removed from our databases.

Cookies and Tracking

We use no third-party analytics to track your behavior. When you log in, we utilize cookies—small pieces of information stored by your browser—to authenticate you and provide access to your part of the experience. If these cookies are blocked or removed by your browser, you will be unable to access the experience.

Changes to this policy

This policy will be continually updated to reflect the current nature of the project. If there are ever any substantial changes to this policy while you are participating in any of our experiences, we will notify you. This policy was last modified on 12 February 2024.